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If you are around this Memorial Day weekend, be sure to come out and visit me one last time at the Farm. Love Apple Farm is having their last weekend of tomato sales for the year Saturday and Sunday from 10-3pm. They are starting a new farm so this may be the last time to tour the gardens as the new farm will not be open to the public except for classes. I've got new delicious flavors like my new Raspberry Rhubarb or Blackberry Meyers Lemon- you thought the Strawberry versions were the best-wait until you try these! Grab some undeniably insane Apricot Pineapple jam- this batch is quite special, made from a super ripe pineapple that has vanilla & coconut notes- WOW! Thanks to all my Ben Lomond Jam Freaks- I will miss seeing you at the farm. Thank you Cynthia from Love Apple Farm for the honor of managing your Tomato Plant Sale and Farm Stand for the past 4 years. Hope to see you all this weekend - don't forget your jars! checkout out the farm's website at GrowBetterVeggies.com